A Blog Post Dr. Strange Should Have Created
This is a set of instructions, like Dr. Strange gives us each week, for our Blog Post assignments. I was assigned Mr. Richard Byrne as a C4T in October. I actually got a little ahead and did my C4T a week early that week. I was pleasantly surprised to find such a cute program. I liked it so well that I also tweeted about it. That is why I chose this as an assignment that Dr. Strange should give to EDM310 students. While looking for the post I commented on, I discovered that Mr. Byrne has found some other interesting free technology ideas for teachers. This is how I decided to add the task of finding two more programs and writing about them. Maybe while the students are looking for these programs, they will see many ideas that they could use in their future classrooms.
1. Read the post and watch the video from "Richard Byrne's" blog post about "ScootPad." Create an account for ScootPad and sign up as a student to be able to check out the program as a student would do. Write your reaction about this program and if you would use this in your future classroom.
2. On Mr. Byrne website "Free Technology for Teachers," find two other programs that would work well in any grade K-5. Try the program out and post what you think the appropriate grade level would be. Post the link of the program and write about why you think it would be a good program to use. Send Mr. Richard Byrne a thank you tweet @rmbyrne and #EDM310.
I watched the video from "Richard Byrne's" blog post about "ScootPad." This is a good program to use when I become a teacher. I liked the idea of the reward system for an incentive for students with high scores. Either parents or teachers can reward students for their accomplishments. Parents can be involved with the teacher and students. I created an account and set up two unit lessons. One was in reading and one in math. I made up a student and went back in the program to try it out. I thought it was a great way for students to get extra practice for what they are already learning about in class. I think that I would use this program in my future classroom.
"Teach Your Monster to Read"
I found a good program to use on "Free Technology for Teachers" called "Teach Your Monster to Read." This is another cute program to use. I think this would be a good tool to use in grades K-1. This is a program that teaches the sounds of letters. A student can create a monster and a narrator tells a story. After they hear the story, it becomes interactive, and they win prizes for their accuracy. Teachers can log in at any time to check the progress of their students. This would make a great center idea or a "Fun Friday" game. This is an easy program to sign up on, and it's free.
Math Landing
I found another good program to use on "Free Technology for Teachers" called "Math Landing." Since math is my favorite subject and I want to teach fourth grade, I checked out a fraction game called "Bridge Builders." This particular game is for fourth graders. There are other games that you can find on "Math Landing." These could be for any grade K-6. The fraction game I found was using different size fraction bars to build a bridge so the lizard could cross the empty space. The student is required to build the bridge using the parts that the instructions say to use. For example, it would say to use 4 equal parts to make the bridge and the student would have to use four equal 1/4 parts. In my opinion, this would make learning fractions more fun for the students. I would like to use this type of program in my future classroom.
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