Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Project #13 Report

Skype Logo

Google Docs

Report on Collaboration

As an assignment we had to create a lesson plan with our group without actually meeting in person. We accomplished this by using Skype, Google Docs, and texting. What was interesting about using Skype was that we could not see each other, but we could hear each other. This was good for me because they couldn't see my messy house. What was also interesting was to see the other group members type at the same time using Google Docs presentation. It would have been much easier to meet and work together in person, but using Skype is a good way to work together if it isn't possible to get together. When we got together we were able to complete the video for the assignment and everyone already knew what to do and what their part was. We had a couple of bugs to work out, but overall it worked out well.

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